Technical Implementation

It is vital for businesses to routinely evaluate their procedures and strategies in order to stay ahead of competitors and evolving technology.

By assessing our client’s current state and developing a plan for the future, we help our clients face the difficult challenge of upgrading systems and transitioning into new technology. EXP35 provides clients assurance while carrying through difficult transitions with reduced risk and system outages.


The EXP35 team offers clients guidance and proven solutions on projects from conception to completion.

New Projects

Large projects benefit from an outside perspective to reassure stakeholders. EXP35 is able to articulate and mediate the needs of parties on all sides and find a viable solution that takes a project to success from start to end.

Upgrades and Replacements

Upgrades and replacements are a standard, but often left behind function in IT. Our team manages the project from inception to implementation being mindful of outages and labor costs. Let us help bring issues to light and mitigate risk.

Technology Transitions

Moving from old systems to new can be a daunting and tedious experience. Business struggle to stay current and move away from a system they are dependent on. Many of these structures and procedures are difficult to transition from or vacate. Our team specializes in seamlessly accomplishing these types of changes. Replacing systems, networks, and applications are our strength.

Our friendly and experienced team will empower decision makers with the tools to drive a successful project. We are change agents that effectively work with difficult technical employees and management. Our team is both technical and business experienced, this allows us to navigate through traditional pitfalls related to organizational politics and hidden technical obstacles.

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