Strategic Planning and Labor Management

Getting ahead of the curve and having a labor plan is paramount for the success of a business over time. However, most businesses have a difficult time keeping quality staff and transform existing teams into more productive roles. Many businesses are held ransom by the technical staff; management struggles to negotiate terms and maintain a working environment.  Our team provides a range of pathways for the client’s executive management to use and address labor challenges. EXP35’s goal is to be on the support side of the chief financial officer and on the execution side of the information technology department.


The EXP35 team offers clients guidance and proven solutions.


The core of technical labor management is developing a succession plan and strategy for risk mitigation. The EXP35 team will assess your where your current operations are at risk and how to provide insulation for those areas. Many clients are challenged with how to move toward a technically agnostic team. We provide clients with the temporary labor to bridge this change in business.

Rapid Development

Employing a new solution into your business usually takes more labor which is generally added by way of vendor provided professional services. Beyond the initial build, businesses can find it arduous to maintain the new solution with existing staff and frequently are unable to sustain the labor rates for vendor professional services long-term. EXP35 offers to fill that gap or to remove that long-term professional services labor. We drive change at the demand of the client.


When difficult problems arise, EXP35 offers technical support and savvy solutions while others shy away. Our team is experienced in triage response and recovery. When our clients don’t have the staff needed to react quickly and efficiently in a time of need, we provide assurance.

Our friendly and experienced team will empower decision makers with the tools to drive a successful project. We are change agents that effectively work with difficult technical employees and management. Our team is both technical and business experienced, this allows us to navigate through traditional pitfalls related to organizational politics and hidden technical obstacles.

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